July 29: Grief is weightless

They say that grief is weightless

But I have to disagree

For when I saw you lying still

I felt the weight on me

I know in life, there is a race

that each of us must run

But I believed there was no end to it

when I was very young


Now time keeps claiming friends of mine

and throws them in the grave

and I can love them all I want

and wish they could be saved


But nothing, baby, nothing

will slow them when they're fast

and if I want to visit them

I travel to the past


And there we'll raise a drinking glass

and toast the joke of life

and beg the Norns to drop their threads 

and dull their sharpened knives

I used to wish to be a god

when I was very young

and grief was all but weightless

when my world was filled with sun


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