July 26: Mmm, bananas are so yummy

 Well, no they're not. They are not yummy. I don't like the way they taste or the way they smell. I don't even like being in the same room as someone who is eating one. 

I have no idea why I feel so strongly about this. My mom tells me I used to love bananas. Then, at one point, it was like a switch was thrown. I've hated them ever since. When I buy fruit smoothees at the store, I scan the ingredients to make sure there's no bananas. This is telling. I'm okay with glucose-fructose, but not bananas.


A couple days ago, I mentioned the Canadian children's entertainer, Raffi. Now I want to mention him again. This is because in 1994, he released a song, and an album, called Bananaphone, which looked like this:

It is at least the second song of Raffi's career that mentions bananas. The first, of course, is Apples and Bananas. Raffi must have a thing for bananas. "Mmm," says Raffi. "Bananas are yummy."


The Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie were inspired, respectively, by a banana and an orange. Here they are:

Yeah. I can see Bert as a banana head and Ernie as an orange. "Mmm," says Ernie. "Bananas are so yummy."


It's strange when you realize that Raffi has never been on Sesame Street. Like ever. Robin Williams has been on it. Richard Pryor has been on it. Mister Rogers has been on it. Not Raffi. That's a travesty. Maybe the Sesame Street people didn't want Raffi kicking Big Bird's ass.



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