Dec. 21: That's life right now

That's life

That's what all the people say

You're riding high in April, shot down in May

But I will never change my tune

When I'm back on top in the month of June.

Frank Sinatra sang those words. For the longest time, I thought it was a David Lee Roth original. This marks the second time in this month's note-a-day where David Lee Roth appears. The dude is definitely part of my ka-tet.


I said I didn't want any buggabugga-related titles. This one kinda is. I mean, when I'm composing these things, I kind of go wherever the muse wants to take me. Note-a-day, out of necessity has to be something of an unpolished stream-of-consciousness turd. I can't afford to spend a whole lot of time on it. Work and family responsibilities take precedence.

But yeah, man. Buggabugga has kicked my ass. The last time I did a paying magic show was September. When buggabugga hit in March, I thought it would be over in the fall. Just today, our Premier, Doug Ford, has announced this part of the province is going into a 28-day hibernation on Boxing Day. Also, vaccines are available and you can get jabbed right now if you're an old person or someone who works with old people or a frontline worker. I expect to be offered the vaccine sometime in the summer.

That's life right now.


But that's not all life right now is. Right now, I am taking a brief break because the council meeting I was covering just ended. I am writing up my note-a-day before diving into an evening of work. The newspaper doesn't stop because of buggabugga and I am grateful to God for that. I still have a job. I can still pay my bills. Not everyone can say that.

And I guess I'm happy that there will be an NHL season after all. I admit it, I'm a hockey junkie. I love watching my Flames and I love the Saskatchewan Roughriders too. Everything in moderation.


There's a lot of people who are very important to me in Alberta, which, arguably, is the province that did the worst job dealing with buggabugga. I doubt I will be visiting there until at least next fall. I was last there in March of this year, which means about 18 months will have passed where I was unable to see those people. Thank God for Zoom. We have weekly Zoom meetings and I have to say that they are personal highlights for me.

But it's 8:23 p.m. and soon I will start to grow tired, which is not a good thing for a reporter to be. I might run home to get some tea for my tea thermos before I dig into this mountain of work.

That's life right now.


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