COVID-19 app

Are you worried about contracting COVID-19 while you’re out and about? Well, worry not. Thanks to the miracle of technology, the Government of Canada has done something to help you feel a whole lot safer. 

Introducing the Covid Alert app, available on the Apple and Google Play stores. Simply download it on your device and then your phone will let you know if you’ve come in contact with anyone harboring the dreaded disease. 

The app, which was developed in Ontario, uses Bluetooth technology to detect when cell phone users are near each other. If people get an exposure alert, they can get tested and take the necessary precautions to keep other people safe. 

This new app works somewhat on the honour system. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you can update the app to let it know your status. Your phone will then act as something of an anonymous beacon to let people around you know that they shared space with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus. 

The alerts will go out to other app users who have been within two metres of a COVID-19 positive person for at least 15 minutes. The government says that the app will not send out any information that identifies the user or the time and place of the exposure. It further claims that the app does not collect personal information and doesn’t act as a tracker. 

“This important, made-in-Ontario COVID Alert app will be a critical part of our case and contact management strategy as more regions in Ontario enter Stage,” said Premier Doug Ford after the app launched late last month. “This innovative tool was developed by some of the best and brightest minds in our province, working in partnership with Ottawa. As businesses open their doors and schools prepare for September, we need to help stop the spread and keep others safe by downloading this COVID Alert app.” 

For his part, Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry MPP Jim McDonell says it’s also important to keep up with basic hygiene measures. 

“To stay safe as more of the province reopens, Ontarians should continue to follow public health guidelines including physical distancing with people not in their social circle, wearing a face covering if physical distancing is a challenge, washing hands thoroughly and frequently, and if anyone thinks they have COVID-19, get tested,” he said. 

- Glengarry News


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